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December 2018

Wednesday, 26 December 2018 00:00

Foot Conditions May Be Associated with Diabetes

Patients who are diabetic may be aware of specific foot ailments that may develop as a result of this condition. If the sugar levels in the blood become elevated, the nerves in the feet may become damaged, which may be followed by a loss of sensation. Minor conditions, which may include blisters, corns, bunions or calluses, may become serious issues to contend with, and this may be a result of the inability to feel the pain that may be associated with these ailments. Research has indicated the importance of taking care of diabetic feet properly, and this may include trimming the toenails correctly and often, as well as washing and drying the toes thoroughly, which may prevent fungal infections from developing. If you are a diabetic patient, it is strongly suggested to schedule a consultation with a podiatrist who can properly treat foot conditions related to diabetes.

Diabetic foot care is important in preventing foot ailments such as ulcers. If you are suffering from diabetes or have any other concerns about your feet, contact Abeer M. Foteh, DPM from Greater Houston Foot Centers. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes affects millions of people every year. The condition can damage blood vessels in many parts of the body, especially the feet. Because of this, taking care of your feet is essential if you have diabetes, and having a podiatrist help monitor your foot health is highly recommended.

The Importance of Caring for Your Feet

  • Routinely inspect your feet for bruises or sores.
  • Wear socks that fit your feet comfortably.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

Patients with diabetes should have their doctor monitor their blood levels, as blood sugar levels play such a huge role in diabetic care. Monitoring these levels on a regular basis is highly advised.

It is always best to inform your healthcare professional of any concerns you may have regarding your feet, especially for diabetic patients. Early treatment and routine foot examinations are keys to maintaining proper health, especially because severe complications can arise if proper treatment is not applied.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Baytown, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Care for Diabetic Foot
Monday, 17 December 2018 00:00

Causes of Corns

A corn on the foot is described as a small area of hardened skin. Friction is generally the cause of the formation of corns, and they may develop as a result of wearing shoes that do not fit properly or not putting socks on while shoes are worn. Corns may typically produce pain, and comfort may be obtained after a protective pad is applied to the corn. Additional relief may be found after soaking the foot in warm water, followed by utilizing a pumice stone, which may be helpful in removing the hardened skin. If the corn is not diminishing in size after these treatments are performed, it is suggested to seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can properly remove the corn.

Corns can make walking very painful and should be treated immediately. If you have questions regarding your feet and ankles, contact Abeer M. Foteh, DPM of Greater Houston Foot Centers. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? And How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns are thickened areas on the skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure and friction on the skin. Corns press into the deeper layers of the skin and are usually round in shape.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as:

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes that have been measured by a professional
  • Wearing shoes that are not sharply pointed or have high heels
  • Wearing only shoes that offer support

Treating Corns

Although most corns slowly disappear when the friction or pressure stops, this isn’t always the case. Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Baytown, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Understanding Corns and Calluses

A bunion is described as a bony protrusion that forms on the side of the big toe. It may be unsightly and uncomfortable and is generally considered to be a deformity. Research has shown that specific bone structure, which may cause bunions to develop, may be inherited, in addition to having ailments that may include flat feet. Additionally, obesity and pregnancy may play a significant role in the formation of bunions, and this may be a result of the added weight the feet must endure. If you choose to wear shoes that do not have adequate room for the toes to move about in, a bunion may develop, which may lead to other foot conditions such as corns and calluses. If you notice a bump on the side of your big toe, it is suggested to seek the counsel of a podiatrist, so a proper diagnosis can be performed.

If you are suffering from bunion pain, contact Abeer M. Foteh, DPM of Greater Houston Foot Centers. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is a Bunion?

Bunions are painful bony bumps that usually develop on the inside of the foot at the joint of the big toe. As the deformity increases over time, it may become painful to walk and wear shoes. Women are more likely to exacerbate existing bunions since they often wear tight, narrow shoes that shift their toes together. Bunion pain can be relieved by wearing wider shoes with enough room for the toes.


  • Genetics – some people inherit feet that are more prone to bunion development
  • Inflammatory Conditions - rheumatoid arthritis and polio may cause bunion development


  • Redness and inflammation
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Callus or corns on the bump
  • Restricted motion in the big toe

In order to diagnose your bunion, your podiatrist may ask about your medical history, symptoms, and general health. Your doctor might also order an x-ray to take a closer look at your feet. Nonsurgical treatment options include orthotics, padding, icing, changes in footwear, and medication. If nonsurgical treatments don’t alleviate your bunion pain, surgery may be necessary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Baytown, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Bunions
Monday, 03 December 2018 00:00

Most Babies Are Born with Flat Feet

The foot condition that is referred to as flat feet simply indicates the feet are flatter on the bottom, which enables the foot to fully touch the ground while standing. Research has shown that most babies are born with flat feet, and the arch will generally develop as the aging process occurs. There may be several reasons why adults may develop flat feet, and these may include injuries that the feet may endure, wear and tear that may happen as a result of age, or possibly from a genetic trait. There may be additional factors that may contribute to flat feet, including medical ailments such as diabetes and obesity. Patients who experience this condition may notice pain in the heel or arch area of the feet, swelling in the ankle and surrounding area, or increased foot pain as activities are pursued. If you are born with or have developed flat feet, it is advised to seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can discuss proper treatment options with you.

Flatfoot is a condition many people suffer from. If you have flat feet, contact Abeer M. Foteh, DPM from Greater Houston Foot Centers. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Are Flat Feet?

Flatfoot is a condition in which the arch of the foot is depressed and the sole of the foot is almost completely in contact with the ground. About 20-30% of the population generally has flat feet because their arches never formed during growth.

Conditions & Problems:

Having flat feet makes it difficult to run or walk because of the stress placed on the ankles.

Alignment – The general alignment of your legs can be disrupted, because the ankles move inward which can cause major discomfort.

Knees – If you have complications with your knees, flat feet can be a contributor to arthritis in that area.  


  • Pain around the heel or arch area
  • Trouble standing on the tip toe
  • Swelling around the inside of the ankle
  • Flat look to one or both feet
  • Having your shoes feel uneven when worn


If you are experiencing pain and stress on the foot you may weaken the posterior tibial tendon, which runs around the inside of the ankle. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Baytown, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Flat Feet
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